From anywhere in your home or in the world, you can easily turn on music, lights, heating, air conditioning, alarm features, sprinklers and more from an intuitive i-Pad.
Imagine This When you get home wouldn’t you like to be able to sit down, press one button, and have your television turn on to your favorite channel, the lights dimmed, the temperature adjusted to the way you like it? The possibilities are endless. All of these features, and more, can be tailored to match your lifestyle.
Simplify Your Life A lot of behind-the-scenes planning and computer programming goes into the preparation of your custom remote controls. Pushing the “Start Movie” button, for instance, actually initiates a strong of commands that fire up your home theater components, deploy the screen, dim the lights, and start the movie, saving you valuable time and the aggravation of using multiple remote controls.
Xtremevision UK can consolidate the operation of all of your systems – entertainment, lighting, climate control, etc. – into “master” touch screens. We can also provide limited-function touch screens or keypads that operate only certain portions or features of a system. In any case, what you get is the upper hand on state-of-the-art technologies, because we remove all the complications and make your system truly easy to operate.